For numeracy this week, we have been learning about grid references and we have been working on 4 and 6 digit grid references.
We learnt that we read across the bottom of the grid first (Eastlings) and then up the side second (Northlings).
Our task today was to look at an aerial map of our school, write down the 6 digit grid references for the letters that our teacher had put on it, and then go in hunt of those points. At each point there was 1 or 2 letters. Once we had them all, we had to come back into the hub and unscramble the letters to figure out what it spelt. The secret sentence was ‘Happy Birthday Zoe’.
See you next time,
Hi Harvey. You numeracy grid is really interesting and I enjoyed reading about how you did it and what you did. And I like how you did it on our school! I have learnt about grids when I was in Davies numeracy group and I found it really fun and interesting to learn about. Next time you could do it on something like a supermarket or a house, that will be really cool to look at. Overall this blog post is amazing and I really enjoyed reading about what you did in Maths this week. I'm really looking forward to next weeks blog post!